Genshin Impact How to Unlock Dispatch/Expedition System


There are many materials in the world of Genshin Impact that you’ll need to farm, and the Dispatch/Expedition system will allow you to passively acquire what you need. You’ll need to first level-up your Adventure Rank to unlock the feature, but once you do you can send out unoccupied characters to do the dirty work for you.

The Dispatch/Expedition feature in Genshin Impact is unlocked at Adventure Rank 14.

Leveling your Adventure Rank is how you’ll earn access to the Dispatch feature, otherwise known as “Expeditions.” You can level your Adventure Rank in a variety of ways, but pushing main and side quests is the most expedient way to do so. Once you’ve reached Adventure Rank 14 you’ll be given a short quest to visit the Adventure Guild in Mondstadt, where you’ll unlock the ability to dispatch characters on your roster out on Expeditions.

Expeditions are simple: you’ll pick an area on the map, a character from your roster, and an amount of time before you dispatch the character proper. You can recall a character at any time, so they are not locked to whatever Expedition you dispatched them on. Keep a couple of things in mind: the longer the mission the more items a character will acquire, and certain characters in Genshin Impact come with perks that make them better at Expeditions. As you play the game you’ll also unlock additional areas to dispatch characters to, so be sure to continue pushing the main narrative.

Expeditions will continue while you’re offline, so dispatching a character out on a lengthy mission before bed is a good way to grab a good amount of materials while you rest. Just be sure to send characters not in one of your active rosters. They will be unavailable while out on an expedition in Genshin Impact, so it behooves you to use less popular characters from your roster.
